Our vehicles are available to all qualified users, but becoming a member of the co-op provides numerous benefits and demonstrates your support of the co-op’s shared vision.

If you want to help your community and the environment, becoming a member of the ZEV co-op is a meaningful way to show your support, enjoy the benefits, and make a real difference.

With a visitor account, you still have access to electric vehicles, insurance, our reservation system, all maintenance, and the kilowatts to get you on your way, but you pay a higher use rate, can only make reservations 1 hour in advance, and have no voting rights.

Individual Member


Individual members get the lowest hourly rate, with no monthly administrative fees. Under this plan, you are a member-owner, with equity in the co-op and the right to vote.

More Info

  • One time $500 equity investment
  • Ownership in the co-op
  • Best electric vehicle use rates
  • Make reservations up to 1 month in advance
  • Receive patronage mileage dividend
  • Can add up to 3 family members
  • Voting rights to the individual member
  • Have a say in the priorities and direction of the co-op
  • Eligibility to run for the board of directors

Group Member


Group members get the lowest hourly rate, with no monthly administrative fees. Perfect for community benefits organizations, businesses, and homeowner’s associations.

More Info

  • Contact us about group costs
  • Ownership in the co-op
  • Best electric vehicle use rates
  • Make reservations up to 1 month in advance
  • Receive patronage mileage dividend
  • Can add multiple users to the group account
  • Voting rights to the group member
  • Have a group a say in the priorities and direction of the co-op



You want to use the co-op’s nifty EVs but are not yet ready to become a member-owner.  You pay a monthly access fee, hourly use rate, and have no voting rights.

More Info

  • $15 user registration
  • $20 monthly access fee

DRIVE NOW! Download our ZEV drive app and get started.